Showing 26 - 50 of 562 Results
Art and Scenery in Europe : With Other Papers (1857) by Wallace, Horace Binney ISBN: 9781164802648 List Price: $42.36
Stanley V2 : Or the Recollections of A Man of the World (1838) by Wallace, Horace Binney ISBN: 9781164895381 List Price: $22.36
Stanley V2 : Or the Recollections of A Man of the World (1838) by Wallace, Horace Binney ISBN: 9781165009343 List Price: $34.36
Eulogium on the Life and Character of Horace Binney by Strong, William ISBN: 9781165302208 List Price: $13.56
Reply to Horace Binney's Pamphlet on the Habeas Corpus by Gross, Charles Heebner ISBN: 9781275621244 List Price: $15.75
Appeal to the People of Pennsylvania for the Sick and Wounded Soldiers by Binney, Horace ISBN: 9781275729315 List Price: $15.75
Case of Henry U Onderdonk : Stated and Considered with Reference to His Continued Suspension... by A Member Of The Church, Bin... ISBN: 9781166968410 List Price: $18.36
Stanley V1 : Or the Recollections of A Man of the World (1838) by Wallace, Horace Binney ISBN: 9781167095405 List Price: $33.56
Life of Horace Binney : With Selections from His Letters (1903) by Binney, Charles Chauncey ISBN: 9781164432906 List Price: $42.36
Literary Criticisms and Other Papers by Wallace, Horace Binney ISBN: 9781164430001 List Price: $42.36
Art, Scenery and Philosophy in Europe : Being Fragments from the Portfolio of the Late Horac... by Wallace, Horace Binney ISBN: 9781164580652 List Price: $27.16
Art and Scenery in Europe : With Other Papers (1857) by Wallace, Horace Binney ISBN: 9781164580386 List Price: $30.36
Art, Scenery and Philosophy in Europe : Being Fragments from the Portfolio of the Late Horac... by Wallace, Horace Binney ISBN: 9781164785477 List Price: $39.16
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania [1799-1814] (Volume 5) by Binney, Horace ISBN: 9781152478022 List Price: $23.36
Obituary, Horace Binney Wallace by Binney, Horace ISBN: 9781150779596 List Price: $18.83
Bushrod Washington by Binney, Horace ISBN: 9781169489387 List Price: $24.76
Art, Scenery and Philosophy in Europe : Being Fragments from the Port-folio of the Late Hora... by Wallace, Horace Binney, Bin... ISBN: 9781179193090 List Price: $33.75
Select Decisions of American Courts : In Several Departments of Law by Wallace, Horace Binney, Uni... ISBN: 9781179217697 List Price: $44.75
Art, Scenery And Philosophy In Europe: Being Fragments From The Port-folio Of The Late Horac... by Horace Binney Wallace, Hora... ISBN: 9781179652191 List Price: $33.75
Art and Scenery in Europe, with Other Papers : Being Chiefly Fragments from the Port-folio o... by Wallace, Horace Binney ISBN: 9781179810294 List Price: $37.75
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